"Gale Force Nine, This expansion brings the Sulaco's dropship crew to Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps cooperative survival game. Fly the friendly skies as you fight off alien stowaways while attempting to rescue the survivors of the disaster in the air processing plant. On the ground, the two crew members provide technical support for your Marines in Campaign missions and Bug Hunts, along with new pilot and quartermaster experience tracks. Meanwhile, the marines discover four new Alien variants, The Brute, Guard, Scout and Skulker, which add a new dimension to the Xenomorph hive's urge to absorb the occupants of Hadley's Hope."
"Gale Force Nine, This expansion brings the Sulaco's dropship crew to Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps cooperative survival game. Fly the friendly skies as you fight off alien stowaways while attempting to rescue the survivors of the disaster in the air processing plant. On the ground, the two crew members provide technical support for your Marines in Campaign missions and Bug Hunts, along with new pilot and quartermaster experience tracks. Meanwhile, the marines discover four new Alien variants, The Brute, Guard, Scout and Skulker, which add a new dimension to the Xenomorph hive's urge to absorb the occupants of Hadley's Hope."
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