"La Haye Sainte contains: Laser-cut wooden farmhouse, out-buildings, walls and pond including construction guides and acetate windows Laser-cut wooden tables and chairs – use as firing steps Two laser-cut wooden carts and plough (barricade) Six metal branches to form an abatis Major Von Baring, King’s German Legion 2nd Light Battalion (exclusive metal figure) 15 metal King’s German Legion 2nd Light Battalion with rifles and muskets 5 King’s German Legion light infantry 36 French Light Infantry (30 plastic and 6 metal) including full-colour flag sheet and waterslide decals Lieutenant Vieux (exclusive metal figure) and five metal French Engineers with muskets or tools 12-page scenario booklet"
"La Haye Sainte contains: Laser-cut wooden farmhouse, out-buildings, walls and pond including construction guides and acetate windows Laser-cut wooden tables and chairs – use as firing steps Two laser-cut wooden carts and plough (barricade) Six metal branches to form an abatis Major Von Baring, King’s German Legion 2nd Light Battalion (exclusive metal figure) 15 metal King’s German Legion 2nd Light Battalion with rifles and muskets 5 King’s German Legion light infantry 36 French Light Infantry (30 plastic and 6 metal) including full-colour flag sheet and waterslide decals Lieutenant Vieux (exclusive metal figure) and five metal French Engineers with muskets or tools 12-page scenario booklet"
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